Welcome to Momily Knits! This is the online home of my crafty side.
I've been knitting for a year and a half. My first failed experiments were guided by Stitch 'n Bitch and my first successful experiments were guided by ImagiKnit. That's not to say that Stitch 'n Bitch isn't a good book - it is in fact a great book - but I needed more hands-on visuals to get me going.
Nowadays, I take occassional project-based classes at ImagiKnit and knit with a group of moms twice a month. Most of my projects have come free-hand from my own imagination with a sprinkling of a few free online patterns and one book pattern.
I've amassed quite the collection of yarn odds and ends, thanks to a garage sale loving friend, and hope to use some of them soon. The only problem is that very few have tags identifying the fiber... to wash or not to wash, that will be the question! And what the hell do you make when you know you can't wash it?
Stay tuned for photos of past and present projects. Feel free to chime in and help inspire future projects.
Until then, knit and purl baby... knit and purl...
You know it's gone way past hobby when you have to write and record. Hooray! Welcome to my world!
Right, so is this a good time to mention that hat I lost? It could really use replacing. Fog's rolling in, after all.
Momily, this is wonderful. Love the site and the projects, especially interested in learning how to knit babies. Much easier than the traditional production process I think.
Did you know the SFPL is asking for volunteers to teach knitting skills to its patrons? Talk about library as community.
knit babies? that's got to be some complicated stitching. anyway, welcome to the online craft world! i'll be happy to follow along.
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